Make a list of all the chores that need to be done around the house. Break them down into daily, weekly, and monthly activities. Then create a chore chart and have a family meeting to delegate jobs. Post the chart so everyone can see it on a daily basis.
Make a "Bare Minimum" list containing the absolute essential chores that must be completed each week. When you have a hectic week, stick to this bare minimum list so your house doesn't fall into complete disarray while you deal with life. Some bare minimums may include: cleaning dishes, everyday pickup, and the minimum number of loads of laundry needed to keep the family clothed.
Take fifteen minutes each night to straighten up the house. Make it a family chore by assigning each person a different room and list this on the chore chart.
Clean one room or complete one chore each day. This will save you from waiting your entire Saturday on cleaning.
Assign each family member his or her own towel for the entire week. This will cut down on laundry. Color-coding the towels is the easiest way to tell them apart.
Place a set of disposable disinfecting wipes in each bathroom. These are great for quick touch ups between thorough cleanings.
Save space by minimizing cleaners. Start buying one all-purpose cleaner whenever possible.
Carry a basket around the house while you are cleaning. If you find something that does not belong in the room you are cleaning, put it in the basket. This saves you tons of time by cutting down on trips around the house. But don't forget to empty the basket every time you clean, or it will become a clutter collector.
Make your bed every day before you leave the house.
A family chore chart provides consistency for the entire family. Kids know what is expected of them.
Clean off the kitchen counter and wash dishes or load the dishwasher as soon as dinner is finished.
As you clean a room or area, try to work from top to bottom and then from left to right so you do not waste time back-tracking.
Let your children choose the day of the week they want to clean their rooms.
Do tasks in bulk.
If your house is difficult to clean, you have too much stuff!
Once a Month:
If there is a particular chore that no one likes, rotate the responsibility each month.
Every 3-6 Months:
Change or launder slipcovers on the furniture.
Once a Year:
Have a family meeting to update the chore chart.
Steam clean carpets and upholstery.
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