Monday, April 11, 2011

Recap of Week 3

I went out last week and bought a planner that would accommodate my work and home life. I started putting things in it right away, but still managed to miss that the Literary Festival was this past weekend. Fortunately, there was not much that I would have been interested in, so it was okay.
I still have not been able to really compile my comprehensive to do list, with the A, B, and C differentiations, but I plan on doing that this week for sure.
I went to a hypnotist on Friday, hoping to get past life regression therapy done, but the therapist talked me into getting weight loss hypnosis done first, since it would be my first time to be hypnotized. Also, that program is 2 hours, and since I was already paying for 2 hours, it was the cheapest way to go. I have to say that I was pleased with the process. I didn't feel that I went completely under, but knew that I had tried my best not to listen to the words and instead daydream about whatever I could think of. It really did help me with my anger issues as well as hunger issues. There are still a lot of things that I am trying to work on, but I know that it will come to me eventually.

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