Decide on a comfortable place to pay your bills. It could be your home office, but if you don't like your office area and don't want to spend time there, find a place you do like.
Set up this area with everything you will need to pay your bills: calculator, envelopes, stamps, pens, return address labels, computer.
Gather all bills and coinciding paperwork and decide on one place to keep it (preferably where you pay your bills). Store them in a file, a basket, or a bin. Make sure you have enough room.
Shred any payment books from loans you have paid off.
Schedule time in your planner when you will pay your bills. The best way is to pay them as soon as you get paid. That may be once a month, twice a month, or weekly. Call your creditors to see if you can change the due dates of your bill to coincide with your plan. If you cannot change the due dates, note them in your calendar and place them on your To Do list so you don't forget.
Implement an organized system for paying bills that works for you, whether it is handwritten checks, software, or online bill pay.
If you are comfortable with online banking, check with your bank to see if you can pay your bills online. This is fast and easy, and you won't have to waste envelopes and stamps. When the bill comes in the mail, you can enter the amount and date you want to pay it. This will guarantee that all of your bills are paid on time and you get them out of the way ASAP. Quicken is also a great computer software tool to use for bill paying.
Schedule time in your planner each week to pay bills and check on accounts.
Try this system: After your bills are paid, write or stamp "paid" on them and place them in a basket or folder until the end of the month. At the end of the month, punch holes in them and then file them in a large three ring binder. Use dividers to mark each category (electric, phone, vehicle, mortgage, etc.) This will keep everything organized and easy to reference.
Organize your bills in a large manila envelope with a small calendar in it. Each time a bill arrives in the mail, place the bill and return envelope in the envelope and mark the due date on the calendar. When the bill has been paid, cross it off the calendar. (Schedule pay days on this calendar too.)
Fewer bills mean less time spent on bill paying, so consolidate whenever possible.
Pay your bills on time. If you can't, write your creditor or vendor a letter describing your situation. Send them something every month, even if it is five dollars.
Save money on stamps by paying your bills online.
Here's a list to help you decide what financial items to shred or keep: ATM receipts-toss; college savings statement-keep the most recent; credit card statements-make sure they are correct, record expenses, and only keep the most current; Insurance policies and bills-keep most recent; mortgage records-keep as long as you own the property; Medical bills-keep for 3 years; Student loan statements-keep the most recent; tax records-file and save for up to seven years.
Learn to save even on the most modest salary.
Stay Organized!
Once a month:
File all bills and statements that you've paid. You may need to schedule this on your calendar. The longer you let it build, the less likely you're going to do it.
Balance your checkbook.
Every3-6 months:
Replenish your office supplies that are running low.
Shred and recycle any bank statements you no longer need.
Once a Year:
Sort your bills that need to be submitted for taxes.
File away bills from the previous year that you need to save. Shred the rest.
Set goals for debts you want to pay off.
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